You can now sponsor a child by purchasing a REAL Gift Card. Each card you purchase will go toward the cost of one student’s registration fee. For example, if you purchase 1 card for $150, you afford 1 student the chance to attend the REAL Program.
If you have any questions, please email
You can now sponsor a child by purchasing a REAL Gift Card. Each card you purchase will go toward the cost of one student’s registration fee. For example, if you purchase 1 card for $150, you afford 1 student the chance to attend the REAL Program.
If you have any questions, please email
You can now sponsor a child by purchasing a REAL Gift Card. Each card you purchase will go toward the cost of one student’s registration fee. For example, if you purchase 1 card for $150, you afford 1 student the chance to attend the REAL Program.
If you have any questions, please email